For the Executive Leadership class's Leadership Portfolio activity I was required to complete six outside activities demonstrating leadership roles. This post will list each of the six activities and I will explain my role and what I learned in each activity.
1- My first activity was the act of becoming the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Music & Entertainment Industry Student Association (MEISA). Near the beginning of my EBMS program elections were held for key MEISA positions. The previous CIO had gotten a job and the CIO position was open.
To get the position I had to make a speech in front of the group. There was only one other person trying to get the position - Chelsea Daniels. The group voted and I got the position! I served as the CIO for sometime before several other members resigned from MEISA. At that point I transferred to the Public Relations Officer (PRO). I stayed on as the PRO for several more months until my school and work duties called me away from MEISA. I enjoyed being a part of MEISA and the Open Mic nights.
2 - As a part of MEISA, the organization put together a special event with a graduating EBMS student, Mickie Funderburke. We put together the Songwriter and Producers Showcase (S.W.A.P). It was a huge hit! Songwriters, producers, artists, and musicians all came out to contribute their products. I was involved in the planning and execution of the event. I also participated in set-up and tear-down of S.W.A.P.
3 - In the first week of September I was contact to participate in an exclusive event for Full Sail called Full Sail Focus. I RSVPed right away and attended the event on September 15, 2010. The event was a focus group centered around asking exemplary students their thoughts on Full Sail. This was an effort for the Marketing Department of Full Sail to garner ideas for their upcoming marketing campaign. It was a great way for me to use my status as a Full Sail alum to really help out.
4 & 5 - I worked with the group International Film Society (IFS) on two films as a grip. Burlesque was the first film, Coffee and Apple Pie was the second film. working on each film was really fun. I learned how to handle high pressure situations well, as well as unfavorable weather conditions and long, long hours.
6 - My most current and lasting activity is my workstudy employment in the Full Sail Artist Relations department as an Artist Meet & Greet representative. I started working in October 2009 and I will have to end in October 2010. This have been a fantastic job, making great connections. Jennifer Tackett, the head of Artist Relations is a wonderful woman. She has helped my to grow my leadership skill immensely. She has shown me that there is a way to appear happy and put together even when things seem to be going downhill rapidly.
Each of these activities has shown me a bit more about myself, the good and the bad. I know that I am a bit less organized than other people, so I must work harder to keep myself organized. I now know that I can have a smile on my face and be professional even if I'm not feeling so professional! I want to thank all the people that I have meet on my journey for making me a better person.